Saturday, October 09, 2004

My Appology

I'm so sorry for my last post. I know that it was completely out of line and am realizing why God put me into this situation. And mostly I think it's for patience. I know that I had no right to say the things I said, nor do I want to hurt anyone's feelings. I've thought about it alot since Wed. and I've decided to put other things off and just focus on what needs to be done in my life, and those things right now are 1. God 2. Friendships 3. Loyalty 4. Love 5. Patience. Not exactly in that order, except for number one. I just really want to appologize for doing what I've done. Susie, you really helped me realize all of this. Thank you! I love you so much, and sometimes I want to blame you for leaving, but you're gone for a good purpose and I'm so proud of you. Well I'm gonna go get ready for my dinner and a movie, I'll see you all on Sunday.

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