Friday, December 24, 2004


Hey ya'll lets keep this Christmas about whats its supposed to be about...Christ. That's why we celebrate, it should be like a birthday party, only better!
Well, other than my sista bein home, i dont have much to say except that its like old times. I love it! i'm a tag along, and its great. like it was creepy sunday night after the concert cus like, it was like summer all over again, only it was freezing, and now everyone's dating and depressed. lol. Seriously though, like, it was zack susie, hurley , and me. all just chillin at Steak n' Shake till late and just talking and calling eachother mean things. I LOVE IT. it made me sad though cus then i start thinkin how everythings gonna change completely once she leaves again. its depressing. but on to a better subject. i'm kinda scared for tomorrow. because like susie knows what i'm gettin for Christmas, and like, its scary, cus i dont know if it's good or bad, but i guess i'll figure that out in a little bit. plus Brett saying how my present was the best ever, someone said that to me once, and put jugs of water, nuts, and bolts into a box with bubble wrap, then duct taped it. Not a good sign, but i trust you. lol! well its gettin late, and guess what....Its no longer Christmas Eve Eve! just Christmas Eve! YAY!!! well gonna go spend some quality time with Q lube . Email me or CAll me or sum thing! lol LYLAS

1 comment:

Susie B said...

I love you sister, Merry Christmas!