Friday, March 18, 2005


crappy day at school. Why is it that i've learned everything i'm learning now, in the EIGHTH grade?!!!! how stupid is that. omg, i'm so ready to graduate. gosh, i'm so done with the whole scene. Everyone's like, "highschool was the best time of my life" great for them ,kill me and get it over with. lol. i mean, i dont mind "half" the people there, it's just the i know everything i'm being taught, so why am i going?...thats my problem right bout now. lets see, went to work, got my 45 dollar pay check "whoopie" lets see, gonna clean the church tomorrow. fun stuff. yea, what else is going on...not much.i'm kinda sad we have kidmo on easter sunday, i REALLY wanna be in church, but that's okay. I'll just get the video if it's any good. lol. well i'm in a crappy mood cus i'm tired, so i'll talk to ya'll a lil later. love ya and have a GREAT weekend!

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