Sunday, October 09, 2005

Women's conference was wonderful, Miss Tere's a hoot. We had an awesome time, and learned/ Heard, about some awesome things, amazing stories from women who have the same everyday problems as us. some examples are jealousy, guys, self images, and hurt. They touched on every subject that needed to be touched on. I really wish that the other girls would have gone, because it would have been a defining moment in our group to say "OMG, what are we doing to eachother" but we had a get together and resolved/addressed some issues that are very noticable, yet unmentioned. I'm glad that what happened happened, even though it was rough, everyone needs to be shown we're still human, and we still have to deal with reality. i hope that what happened tonight brings us all SO much closer, i hope that it just breaks walls, and takes down barriers, all the while building our hearts 10 x's bigger. I hope we're all like the grinch, ( i have a theory to go along with this) we're all bitter about our perceptions of everything (the grinch and everyone hating him cus he was green and hairy) but after some name calling (whobilation) and addressing issues (him being crowned whoville guy of whatever) we all found out what we think is wrong and are working on the problem , and fixing it ( Grinch giving back presents) and our hearts will grow from this experience (the grinches heart grew) .... Haha, i like my analysis of the situation. I can't wait till tomorrow. I'm anxious to find out what will come, but excited to see change. well thats all for me....

by the way, i started out this blog going to dog on everyone writing blogs that are wayyyyy too long for me to read... haha. but then i write and write, well yea, that's it for me, and one thing that I took back from the conference, is a new perception on Phil 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

1 comment:

Susie B said...

I hope that you had an amazing time and that you aren't talking about my blog!!!haha! love you sister!