Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Finally HOME!!!

Wow, its been a loonnnggg trip, and i'm glad to be home. i've missed this place alot, sad to say, cus before i left, i hated it! lol. but my sis is a big ol' college student now. Its a cool school. even my dad said he liked it, doesnt like the price, but likes the school. but it was sooo awesome. Except for the fact that Rufus broke down , and susie didn't come home with me. and i hated the flight home, it was such a hassle. ok, first time on an airplane that i can remember, and i get to the airport, and i get selected for the FULL search. Everything.... then, our flight gets delayed for 3 hours because of bad weather in Atlanta. so when we get to atlanta, we missed our connection to carolina cus our flight was so delayed. but since they booked us on a different flight for the morning, they never gave us our luggage, so we stayed the night in a hotel with none of our stuff. the next morning, we get up , and get selected for the Full search AGAIN. so i go through it all again, and we get up to the terminal, and our flight was delayed AGAIN because of weather in carolina. and so we get on the plane, and power goes out on the flight so i'm thinkin, oh this is great, and i'm gonna fly in this thing? ... it was horrible, but finally got home safe and sound and ready to see everyone tonight at youth! well ttyl

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