Friday, September 10, 2004

whats with guys these days?

Wow, today was VERY interesting, aparently I looked really cute , or have some kind of guy magnent today! Two guys asked me on a date today! I was like, where did that come from? It was sooo strange, see and I might have said yes, but I cant date a guy unless he's willing to go to church with me, and if I bring a guy to church with me, somebody's gonna tell Susie, in turn is gonna get me into trouble with her. She'll sick like Erik or Luke or Brett, or Josh, or someone with power to kick my butt. OUCH. that would hurt, so I defenetly said no. I felt really bad though , cus one of the guys is a really good guy, well so I think, I've never seen him away from school though, so who knows, he might be like every other guy in the world. HAHA. but yea, today was a good day. I talked to susie yesterday, i felt bad cus she's just having a hard time with school cus all her classes are far apart, and work is far away and stuff, but susie if ur reading this, I love you and it will be ok. and everyone else out here does too! Well if anyone is interested you could call me up or im me and we could hang out cus I'm supperly bored! lol. well gonna go be cool and talk to ppl . adios

Quote of the Week: I won't give into anything.... but temptation.

Look at the nationsand watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.
Habakkuk 1:5

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