Sunday, February 27, 2005

Makin sweet moola

are you drinking one percent because you think you're fat, cus you're not, you could be drinking whole if you wanted to. hahaha, i love napoleon...anywho, how bout i got tired of being home, so i drive over to coldstone at 10 pm , just to hang out, and midge you wanna work, and me, of course i say yes because i dont wanna go lame is that! it's okay though, i'm just tired of talking to myself...hahaha, i'm lame... omg, YAY my ipod is done charging...lets throw a party! lol. can't buy me love...the beatles rock! hahaha, so not much going on, there's a going away party for lucy tomorrow night...i'm sad, next saturday is her last makes me sad...but she'll come back and visit. well zack signed on for like 2 seconds today, my computer wouldn't send an instant message quick enough to say hi, i was kinda sad, but i guess he's having fun out subject, cus that ones sad. can't wait for church tomorrow, i think i'm going to go early that way i can see people before i have to go to kidmo... I kinda wish i had big people church tomorrow, i just feel like worshipping. I love kids, and i love kidmo, but i just want my time with God worshipping, not saying i cant do that at home, it's just i dont stay focused at home. too many distractions, and once i get to church i know that i dont have to deal with ANY of my problems, i just give them to God.

Friday, February 25, 2005

i want dad to come home

i'm there's a rapist, and like they're telling women to check under their cars as you get in...i want dad to come um, not much going on, just got home from work, we closed SO fast tonight, i was so happy, but i have to get up and go to a meeting at like 9 in the morning...not fun, but yea, it'll be okay, i'm going to go back to talking to my you all, hope to see you sunday, or soon if you dont go to my church. adios

Thursday, February 24, 2005


so yea, how bout my sis didn't tell me she was going to guatamala, i had to find out today while looking at her pictures. it's okay, i forgive you. so ya'll we should all rally together and raise some money for her to
um, not much going on, missing my dad, i could never live in a house by myself. i'm always going to need a roommate until i get married, that way i'm never alone. i have to many thoughts, like what if this happened, or what if someone got hurt...i dont like it. um today was okay i guess, i mean, i slept through most of it. i have a test tomorrow on the spine, for sports med. i'm not down with it. i'm kinda afraid i'm gonna fail another but yea, what else is happening...oh yea, prom is in a month and a half, and i have no date, jess said that i could take her bf. but that would be a lil strange, i mean, i love bryan, but um...he's a weird kid. then i asked spencer, devon and david, and they all said yes...but had conditions that i choose not to put it this way, one of them was about an after party... we're not gonna get into that. um what else, not much, i have to call aj the dj, aka ,laura, cus i found out some dates that would work out for the fundraiser, i'd call her now but i'm sure she's asleep.well i'm talkin to my sister so i'll talk to ya'll later!

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


oh my gosh, i've just felt so close to God lately. I love it. Youth tonight rocked. even though bretts in pain, he always manages to bring it to God , and not worry about it...or so it seems. I've been thinkin alot, and i'm so glad about everything that's happened in my life to bring me to the point i'm at. I've gone through so much, mean, with my dad, then my mom, and her boyfriend, then depression, and the relationship i had with rommel, and how he treated me, and how it ended, it's just brought me into a place i'd never thought i'd get to the place that i'm in. I'm in full content with my life, and I know that God put me in those situations for a reason, and it's all to make me the person i am. i feel really stupid for just realizing all this now, but i mean, it's true. All the friendships that i have now, with everyone at my church...Carrie, Tere, Kalyn, ozzy, andrew, brett, ashley, brittany,alicia. if i left anyone out i'm sorry, this was to just name a few. it's just , i've noticed this week that i'm growing up, and i'm moving on. i'm moving on from all the things that have hurt me, the things that have made me stronger, i know there is always two people who will never let me down, and one that will never hurt me. one is God, and the other is my sister. *the rest of this is dedicated to my sister* Susie, you have been an amazing inspiration to me, and just to listen about people at church talk about you leaves me in awe. you have the presence in your life that just makes people notice that there is something different about you, you dont even have to say that you're into God, people just know. I love that and i admire that so much. You have no idea about what ways you have inspired me. You've been there for me for everything. you've been my mom, my dad *you know what i mean* and you've been one of the best sisters anyone could ask for. now that i'm balling like a baby, i'm gonna go do something productive instead of typing this to you, when i should be telling you in person, but I cant tell you in person because i cant cry in front of you, it makes it worse. lol. i love you soooo soo much.

I remember you: I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.
psalm 63 6-8
and today was Brett's challenge to us...
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.

and a lil insight, I love this day.

Monday, February 21, 2005


well had a good day yesterday, went to church, work and the concert. i spoke about the famine at church, then julie erik and luke came to see me at work, and then i went to the concert Starfield rocked, we got them to sing happy birthday to ashley. it was great. and i must be really loud because i always end up getting myself on stage lol. i'll write later.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

singing my own tune today

Well today was very interesting. My last day of coldstone will be very shortly after the famine, due to the fact of I have to stay on until that day. This was brought on because the fact that I only wanted the job because Bryan H. Susie, and Lucinda. of the 5th of March, Lucy's gone as well. I thought it would be okay when she told me she might move, cus there was always that possibility, and because Zack was there but then she told me the exact date that she was leaving, and i just broke down, plus the fact that Zack left today. It was like, well what am i supposed to do now...? But it's okay because they're going "HOME" so yea, i'm only staying on till the famine so that we can still do some cool things there. plus the fact that my boss is making me SO mad. Like cus i told him how I wanted to do the fundraiser, and he was cool with it, and i told him how laura wanted to help out. And now he's just interested in the publicity, and he's like, well have laura call me and we'll work something out. Not that I have a problem with Laura (because i love her so much) but like, it was my idea, and i wanted it to be my project. But w/e. as long as we can raise some money i guess it's cool. well i'm kinda having a ruff day so i'm gonna go finish my app. for Mount Shepard. Love you all.

My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God, he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.
Psalms 62: 5-8

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I need a Getaway Car

So yea, Valentines day yesterday. I boycotted, i wore black! it was great. lets see, not much going down on this side of town. I love you Zack and i'm VERY upset that you're moving, but have fun out there. i'm listening to toby mac, "never know what you got till its gone, looks to me like you're still out of luck" idk what to write but i have so much on my mind that i dont think anyone cares to hear about, so i'll write it on paper for myself, who knows, if it comes out good i'll post it for you. I haven't written a poem in like 5 months. thats a LONG time for me. guess i havent had to cus i've been able to express myself in the past few months, but i feel so far from everyone, but close to God, i mean, i know that's good, but it sucks not being able to tell anyone how you feel. I just feel like i've moped around for the past few days. and i dont know why. if it keeps going on, i've gotta tell my dad or something cus i dont wanna go back to how i was....NO FUN! well i'm gonna go cus yea, i just am. love you all

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6

Sunday, February 13, 2005

I love you all

Hear my cry, O God; Listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you. I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower againgst the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings. For you have heard my vows, O God; you have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.

Psalm 61:1~5

Friday, February 11, 2005


well today was awesome. Me and katie and katlyn parked cars at the coliseum was FREEZING. no joke, my face was frozen and i couldn't move it, and my hands couldn't wasn't fun in that aspect, but it was still fun. lets see, i get to do it again on sunday, so i wont be in church on sunday...poop. well actually, hopefully i can go till like 11:45, then leave for the coliseum. I'm really quite sad right now because it hit me that one of my good friends ( or at least i consider him a good friend ) is moving, and it really upsets me. But hopefully there are good oportunities out there for you. i hope you get everything you ever want out of life. come back and visit alot, and dont get into trouble. enough of that, because it just reminds me of like when my sister left, so new subject.
well Winter Jam ROCKED last night. NO JOKE. omg, toby mac and tait are now my complete favorite bands in the entire world, i had more fun at that concert than i have at the last toby mac concert i went to. can't wait for Day of Fire on sunday, i hope that everyone goes. if you don't, you're a loser...not really, but i'm gonna say it anyway. well gonna go. love everyone so very very very tres much.

Come now, let us reason together says the Lord, "though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land. But if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword." for the mouth of the Lord has spoken
Isaiah 1:18~20

Monday, February 07, 2005

i'm gonna live today, like it's my last day

So, today was fun, i guess, i mean, i didnt do anything today....good plan for me at least. let's see, yesterday rocked! we played football for forever, and i hung out with my lil gal samantha, and watched the superbowl at two different places...sad to say, better screen at scott and michelles house, even though it's a tad smaller, better view, and more cumfy couches. lol. hummm. not much going on.....Brett, i hope you're Dad does excellent, i know he'll recover and be better than new in a few days. i hope you're safe on the way there, while you're there, and on you're way home, cant wait to see ya on wed. night along with everyone else under the sun.well ima bounce cus i gotsta get myself cute for work.....maybe i'll get better tips. lol.! i'm just kidding!

Blessed are those who dwell in your house; they are ever praising you. Blessed are those whose strength is in you, better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; i would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than dwell in the tents of the wicked.Lord Almighty, Blessed is the man who trusts you.
Psalm 84: 4,5,10,12

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


okay, well today was going just as any other day, then bam, i got an email from Brett, and now i'm excited (thnx brett for havin faith in me) then bam, i got hit by a bus....j/k....i dont know where that came from. yea i do "Friends".... anyway, yea, it's awesome, i guess we'll talk L~8~er bout that one.... lets see, not much going on cept me and KT are looking forward to maybe doing this mount sheapard assistant councelor thing this summer. Hopefully it wont hinder any plans this summer, i mean, i dont even know if i'll get it. but it'll be a good experience, look good on college apps, and i get paid for something i LOVE doing, hanging out with kids camping! lol. well i'll get back to ya on all this stuff i've just thrown at you! lylas kids

~what will I do when God confronts me? what will I answer when called to account? Job 31:14