Wednesday, February 23, 2005


oh my gosh, i've just felt so close to God lately. I love it. Youth tonight rocked. even though bretts in pain, he always manages to bring it to God , and not worry about it...or so it seems. I've been thinkin alot, and i'm so glad about everything that's happened in my life to bring me to the point i'm at. I've gone through so much, mean, with my dad, then my mom, and her boyfriend, then depression, and the relationship i had with rommel, and how he treated me, and how it ended, it's just brought me into a place i'd never thought i'd get to the place that i'm in. I'm in full content with my life, and I know that God put me in those situations for a reason, and it's all to make me the person i am. i feel really stupid for just realizing all this now, but i mean, it's true. All the friendships that i have now, with everyone at my church...Carrie, Tere, Kalyn, ozzy, andrew, brett, ashley, brittany,alicia. if i left anyone out i'm sorry, this was to just name a few. it's just , i've noticed this week that i'm growing up, and i'm moving on. i'm moving on from all the things that have hurt me, the things that have made me stronger, i know there is always two people who will never let me down, and one that will never hurt me. one is God, and the other is my sister. *the rest of this is dedicated to my sister* Susie, you have been an amazing inspiration to me, and just to listen about people at church talk about you leaves me in awe. you have the presence in your life that just makes people notice that there is something different about you, you dont even have to say that you're into God, people just know. I love that and i admire that so much. You have no idea about what ways you have inspired me. You've been there for me for everything. you've been my mom, my dad *you know what i mean* and you've been one of the best sisters anyone could ask for. now that i'm balling like a baby, i'm gonna go do something productive instead of typing this to you, when i should be telling you in person, but I cant tell you in person because i cant cry in front of you, it makes it worse. lol. i love you soooo soo much.

I remember you: I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.
psalm 63 6-8
and today was Brett's challenge to us...
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.

and a lil insight, I love this day.

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