Friday, January 21, 2005


OMG today sucked like no other! I got told that I'm disrespectful and that i challenge authority like 200 times today by the assistant priciple because i asked my culinary arts teacher if there was a different book i could look in to find the answer's to a stupid word search about the word GRAIN vs. GRASS!!!! and she followed me up the stairs and told me not to be disrespectful so i try to appologize and she cut me off, so i asked politley if she could not cut me off to finish my sentance to APPOLOGIZE , and she flat out said no and started telling me i was wrong about asking a question. so i went to the principles office and he was "saying" he wasn't on anyone's side, but of course he's a teacher, so the student is ALWAYS in the wrong, and he talked to mrs. Murphy, so now everything that has gone wrong in that class all year, is blamed on Katie and I being disrespectful because she gave us the wrong answer, and didnt give us material to figure it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so freggin mad so i as i was walking up the stair's after the warning bell rang she chases me and katie down after she cuts me off and stuff, and i'm short with even shorter legs, so i have to book it to class everyday....and i said "call my freggin parents and complain because i have to get to class before i'm late" and walked off, yea that i know was disrespectful, but i'm not going to listen to a teacher tell me i'm disrespectful when she wont answer my question's then tell me i'm wrong, and then makes me late to class. i'm not that kind of person. so that's not the full story, but if you really care you'll ask me bout it later cus right now i'm so p-ed off i'm crying so yea.
and i'll post about the conference later when i'm in a better mood to say how good it was. LYLAS!

1 comment:

Susie B said...

Baby sister I love you so much and I am so sorry that you are having a bad day! I love you to death, and know that you are special. YOUR AWESOME and I will talk to you soon, and feel better k!