Tuesday, January 25, 2005


Okay, i'm calm enough not to gripe about mrs. murphy now, so i can tell ya'll bout our weekend.
alright, it rocked! it was so inspirational, the theme was "Absolute Surrender" and it was i think the best title they could have given it because when they explained the whole absolute surrender and how if you're not ready to absolutely surrender then don't. Don't be a Half Christian, and stay under the glass, but turn your glass around. It was absolutely inspirational. On Saturday it was cool because we got there alive *thank the Lord* and we made it in time for the conference. then we went and learned about the meaning of absolute surrender, and about shamgar in the book of judges how he was only one guy, but he ended up doing so much, yet, he only got 40 words, 2 verses in the entire Bible. It was just a cool fact, and a cool thing to learn about. Then there was the audio adrenaline concert which was more of a show, than an act for God, but it was still good, and they played song's i knew, so it made it better. lol. and then Sunday we went back to the conference and listened to two bands, one was Charlie Hall, and the other was water something (can't remember) and then there was the preacher who was making fun of religion, and saying things that i would never say in my day to day life, but it was Hilarious! and then we had like 6 hours to kill, so we went and played lazer tag, ( I did HORRIBLE) but it was still fun, and we rode one of those mechanical bulls, and we beat ourselves up BAD. it was Brittany, Brett, Scott, Robbie, and Me who all rode, and my legs are still bruised. and it's been over a week. and from what brett say's he's still in pretty bad shape. hummmmm..... oh yea, then we went Go carting in FREEZING cold weather, but it's okay because i won. HAAHAHAHAHAHA, with my Gangsta driving skills as Ozzy tried to kill me going down that hill, see there was this steep hill at the bottom of the track, and he tried to spin me out on it, and i almost flipped, but it's okay because i didn't. Then we went shopping , and i got american eagle pants for 25 bucks, it was GREAT, and then we went back to the conference and heard :Casting Crowns, who spoke about one of their songs....the Voice one.... and how he still gets discouraged, even in his position and his life, and that was inspirational to know that even famouse people with God get discouraged and hear those lil demons inside their head telling them they're not good enough. and i got a not so good phone call, but we wont go into that, cus it's all better now, and thenwe hung out in the hotel room and just had a blast, then monday once again got up and went to the conference and heard another speaker, who was telling us not to stay under the glass, but to flip it over. and lets see, what else, oh yea, then we went shopping, and then on the way home.....GRRRR, i got sent to the Guy's van, that made me mad, cus i didnt have my blanket or anything, and then it was just boring cus i didn't have my brittany, or kalyn , or ashaleelee, or rebecca, or carrie, and Brett, i was SAD! and really mad...but i got over it.. and then i got tickled from asheville home, and got spit on, and it was just grosse. but yea, it was so awesome, but my favorite part of the weekend is that we connected as much as we did, because now after the conference, i've talked with these girls about more than just church, like last night, me and Kalyn had a good conversation about real life things, and it really made me cry becuase she remembered about my grandpa and asked how he was, i was just so happy to know that she actually remembered, and cared. It was awesome. and yea, well i'll post later because this is REALLY long! I love you guys and gals SOOOOO MUCH!

1 comment:

Susie B said...

Sweetie, you are so cute and I love you so much! And from now on I am going to call you during youth just because it bugs you!lol. jk. I love you sis!