Wednesday, October 26, 2005

YAY again for fashion merch, where i do nothing all day! haha. I'm like way ahead of everyone cus i've already taken marketing. so basically, here i sit bored as no other. Small group was awesome last night. I love it so very much. I feel funny though cus i'm like half the age of everyone in there. cept for cory and johnathon, and matt and bren. haha. its cool though. So howbout yesterday as i was finished reading chapter 4, i was pretty bored, so i decided to draw a scene from the book. You know how it talks about "Would you like frogs with that?" well i decided to draw a server guy with a platter of frogs. it was great, i'll have to scan it so everyone can see it. well tonight at youth should be fun, andrew and me have the pumpkin patch from 5-7 tonight, it'll be fun, i'll bring the football or something to do while waiting for people to get pumpkins. well i guess that's it for me today. I'll post later when i have something better to say.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

so, long day, long week. Small group was really good last night. i dont know what i was expecting, but i liked it a lot. I 'm at scott and michelles, so its close to home. I really like the book. actually, I love the book. I've figured out that i'm the martha, I'm always doing something, if i'm not, i feel like blah. i liked how he linked God to the Wheres waldo. Because even though we may not see God, he's always there, on every page. But you keep looking, but people are so fixed on the problem they can't find the answer, and they find all the waldo's with a missing shoe, or a waldo with his face hidden. But once you find waldo, he's in the most obvious places, kinda like God. you can find him in a person who smiled at you, or in a beautiful sunset. I dont know, this book is really making me think, which may be a good thing, or a very harmful thing to do to myself. haha. Well i'm in class, so i guess i better go.


Saturday, October 15, 2005

So.... how's rufus? haha. still funny. well got a job on thursday at Buffalo Wild Wings. I'm excited. Brittany works there too, actually, she referred me. it was pretty awesome though, cus i went in thursday after school, just wanting to put in an application, they did an interview on the spot, i asked when they might be able to call me back and let me know, and the manager said, as soon as we get ahold of coldstone. i said, okay, and as i get to coldstone at about 4:45 steve had already hung up with the manager, and at about 4:50 they called me back and told me i got it. i'm sooooo excited to be able to get out of coldstone.
lets see, today me and pops went to Raliegh to the NC State open house. Its an awesome campus, very beautiful, i'm not so sure how i'd do there though. Dad say's we should go up and visit Va. Tech, cus thats one of my other choices for college. so we'll probly be doing that within the next few weeks.
Alicia, Pete, and Aimee got into town wed. its awesome having them here.
thats all i have to say. love y'all

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

well i had coffee with Brittany the other day, it was awesome! we got everything out of the way and are working together on some stuff. It's truely awesome. And yes, the reason why it was all going on is the reason i thought, but its all worked out. we already have plans for after graduation! yay! hehe. well not much to say, cept no school today thanks to underclassmen having psat's. sweetness! well i'm gonna go clean, since alicia comes today!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Women's conference was wonderful, Miss Tere's a hoot. We had an awesome time, and learned/ Heard, about some awesome things, amazing stories from women who have the same everyday problems as us. some examples are jealousy, guys, self images, and hurt. They touched on every subject that needed to be touched on. I really wish that the other girls would have gone, because it would have been a defining moment in our group to say "OMG, what are we doing to eachother" but we had a get together and resolved/addressed some issues that are very noticable, yet unmentioned. I'm glad that what happened happened, even though it was rough, everyone needs to be shown we're still human, and we still have to deal with reality. i hope that what happened tonight brings us all SO much closer, i hope that it just breaks walls, and takes down barriers, all the while building our hearts 10 x's bigger. I hope we're all like the grinch, ( i have a theory to go along with this) we're all bitter about our perceptions of everything (the grinch and everyone hating him cus he was green and hairy) but after some name calling (whobilation) and addressing issues (him being crowned whoville guy of whatever) we all found out what we think is wrong and are working on the problem , and fixing it ( Grinch giving back presents) and our hearts will grow from this experience (the grinches heart grew) .... Haha, i like my analysis of the situation. I can't wait till tomorrow. I'm anxious to find out what will come, but excited to see change. well thats all for me....

by the way, i started out this blog going to dog on everyone writing blogs that are wayyyyy too long for me to read... haha. but then i write and write, well yea, that's it for me, and one thing that I took back from the conference, is a new perception on Phil 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

YAY for third period being done with everything. i'm supposed to be doing a report on Vera Wang, this awesome wedding dress designer, but i'm done, so here i am being bored as crap. haha. well youth tonight is going to be awesome. we're gonna watch "Robots" hopefully, cus i love that movie, i'm so bringing popcorn and drinks. haha. i'm such a nerd, well there's nothing really to post except i think my friend Edwin is coming with me to youth, he's an awesome kid, and i'm excited, cus i havent hung out with him since hawk nelson, but majorly since weaver last year!