Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Its a beautiful day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! too bad the air conditioner at school is set to like 40 *, its freezing in my school, but its nice between classes to go outside and just stand in the sun that's going to go on vacation soon. :( well all is well, no boy problems *no boys period* no other problems, cept the same ol' at the two places i love the most, yet complain about the biggest. well sissy comes in 2 weeks! thats it for me today, love ya'll.

Monday, September 26, 2005

i'm still icky, coldstone goes under new management starting october 3. I'm planning on quitting. I dont like the person who's going to be running the store. Emily is with me. I believe brian might be, but not for sure yet. its going to go under the awkward phase that happened when big B left the store and i just can't go through the stress of that again. thats all thats going on with my life.... great day.... :(

Sunday, September 25, 2005


We live we love we forgive and never give up, cus the days we were given are gifts from above and today we remember to live and to love.

Great song by Superchik.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Brett should be a racecar driver.
We should do that again, it was awesome.
And that's all I have to say about that.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Summer has come and passed, the innocent can never last, wake me up, when september ends
Like my fathers come to pass, seven years has gone so fast, wake me up when september ends
Here comes the rain again, falling from the stars, drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are
As my memory rests, but never forgets what I lost, wake me up when september ends
ring out the bells again, like we did when spring began, wake me up, when september ends
I love nyquil, it makes me happy, same with chloroseptic spray. ( I still feel like ick, and have a voice in and out sometimes i have it, sometimes I dont.) but my hero's are the drugs that keep me going.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

ugggg. I'm sick right now. it sucks. my mom thinks its tonsillitus, because i've had it like 12 times before. and my dad just keeps telling me to take cold medicine. 2 completely different views. i dont know, i just feel like crap, my throat hurts so bad that i had to go home from school yesterday. but then i had to work because i was mod, but susan one of the workers, came and brought me some yummy tea. it was really sweet. like i had no voice and everything. i'm just bored, because i cant sleep because my throat is bothering me so much, and i can't eat, cus it hurts, and i can't drink cus it hurts, so im just like ... blah.... uggg. okay, i'm going to go do something less productive as this, like, lay on the couch and watch infomircials. haha.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Weekend =
go out with Blueh (formerly blair), emily, chanel, possibly erika. have soooo much fun! yippee.
sleep in really late!
go to work
Go hang out with bryan and jess (yay, she's in town!)
come home
sleep in semi late
go to church
see all my cool church peeps
possibly go to lunch
go have fun with erika, emily, bryan, and jess, (if she's still home)
do homework.
start this fun ritual again!

ps, i love being a T.A. first period, no more ap gov't. i'm now a slacker senior! haha, and my teacher told me not to come to class today! how sweet is that?!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Waffle house is the best at 2:40 in the morning.
This weekend was AWESOME! Saturday night, emily and me decided to go to walmart in thomasville, out where the "accident" happened, it brought back a lot of memories, the we were just dorks until 2: 30 am. then went home, and couldn't sleep cus i had 5 shots expresso, and a monster. then sunday, woke up, went to church, remington grille for lunch, and then went home, and bryan called me, asked me to go to taco bell with him, emily, nate, david and shawn. so i did. then i went to the mall while everyone had stuff to do, got myself some cool clothes. then, bryan calls me again, wants me to go watch his band practice, so i do. then i lock my keys in the car, bryan takes me home, gets spare key, then takes me back to where he was practicing, then i go to work, and katie comes in because its her birthday, that made me happy, then we close, and bryan, shawn, emily and me go to carolina diner, but it was closed, so we decide on ihop, that's closed to, so we go to waffle house, and wait for like ever while they bring us toast and chicken sandwiches, and drink tea that tasted horrible, and it waz FREEZING in there. but it was fun. its kinda weird cus since jess went to college, me and bryan talk a lot more, i wish it was like that only jess was here. i mean, i missed being bryans friend. but its been great, we were supposed to hang out once i got off work again tonight, but homework keeps us kids at home. well thats all my news, hope everyone had a good weekend, and has a good week ahead.

Friday, September 02, 2005

3 day weekend =
1. Get paid
2. Go to work
3. get off work and go have fun with bryan, emily, and possibly other people
4. come home late
5. sleep in late
6. go back to work
7. get off work and go have fun with bryan, emily, erika, chanel
8. come home late
9. go to church
10. maybe go out with people after church for lunch
11. go shopping
12 go to movies with erika
13. go to work
14. get off work, go have fun with bryan, emily, maddy,
15. come home late
16. sleep in late
17. Go to starbucks and barnes and nobles with erika
18. go to work
19. do homework i had three days to do
20. go to sleep once again, and start my week over again.