Tuesday, September 13, 2005

ugggg. I'm sick right now. it sucks. my mom thinks its tonsillitus, because i've had it like 12 times before. and my dad just keeps telling me to take cold medicine. 2 completely different views. i dont know, i just feel like crap, my throat hurts so bad that i had to go home from school yesterday. but then i had to work because i was mod, but susan one of the workers, came and brought me some yummy tea. it was really sweet. like i had no voice and everything. i'm just bored, because i cant sleep because my throat is bothering me so much, and i can't eat, cus it hurts, and i can't drink cus it hurts, so im just like ... blah.... uggg. okay, i'm going to go do something less productive as this, like, lay on the couch and watch infomircials. haha.

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