Saturday, May 14, 2005

um , not much has gone on since my last post, except i lost my boyfriend, a brother, and some sleep, but nothing major.... none of those do i want to talk about, so i'll talk about something cool, um, The base ball game a few nights ago was wierd, well first off, there was an entire soccer team cheering, which was awesome, but they were really loud and kinda um , nicely put, annoying. but then after, i saw shawn, who sits in front of me in history at weaver, and i saw Jordan, who sat next to me in geometry last year! um, then since i hate being at home, i went over to brett and carrie's house *thank you btw for letting me* and we watched "That Thing You Do" it was awesome, then i came home, and that was bout it. I'm pretty psyched up for VBS this year, I'm leader of the Games for the Elementary age, it's cool, but some of the things are corny, but like GIGI the Giraffe says, I have to stick my neck out for God .... *WOW* hahahahaha, i'm so roaring for that! lol. um, yea, thats about it. I'm kinda always frustrated the last few weeks, just a lot of things have been getting on my nerves, even stupid inanimate objects like cones on the road, or the mouse pad, or my alarm clock. but i'm just ready for school to be over, and i'm ready for so much stuff to be over, and for more new stuff to begin, like senior year, graduation, getting a car, and just so much more, i'm just tired of being the young one who can't do anything, or stupid stuff. I realized that almost everyone in my c/a class hates me too, cus the only time i talk is to tell them to shut up and be respectful to the sub, and what not, but whatever, i dont need for people to like me, i just wish they didnt hate me. but yea, I'm just really tired, but can't sleep, havent been able to since last saturday, yet here i am sitting on the computer, that could be why i dont sleep. lol. well since no one reads this i'm going to go CRAZY!!!! Jkeowripowajif;oau[0iewajnif;oeaof jeiowa;fuiepwaufjioe;waj fiodaufjio;dajfiepawfjieawjf iopanfh;owaeu fio;eaufioew;a jfio;auf ewi JFEIWOAU FI;OAEJ FISLUFIO;ASF UJIO jaifo;jaio;fe jao;fjia;fjeiwao;fueiawo;fjioa;sdfu doaw;fjoi; aufdaoehwfuewafjsidao yuf iauiof; jaiowe;fjkdlsafj op;nfoiaj iogf uyawilfjweio;a utgfia @!%$EW^$*&^%*J#^$#@%!$%$&*(&*(*&%^^%$@%^$#^%^&&*(*(^&^%#^$ @#%$# &^*& ) )*&* ^% @$#^%*&)_( &^* &$%#$@&^$*&^(*&^^%$ *& )( )*^%#$ ^% $* &)(*) _(_*(&^&# $% ) this is about how i feel right now! okay, i'm done, and out, if you need me i'll be in my corner

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