Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I am slowly going crazy 123456 switch, crazy going slowly am I 654321 switch

wow, only 2 days into the week, and it already feels like it should be friday. But its all dandy, no major complaints here. Weird night at work last night, if anyone cares to know what happened, comment and i'll let you know, but i'm not going to post it. lets see, I cant wait till saturday for the fundraiser, and friday cus i get to go onto the radio.... in the studio! how awesome is that, i'm thinking someone else should go with me, like uh, carrie, or brett, or katie. but i can handle it! um, not much going on, waiting on tomorrow's message, and worship, not much else going on, love ya'll, Brett, update your blog...please...i dont really care cus i talk to you alot, but that way i have something to do while i'm on the internet...lol. i'm lame!

1 comment:

Susie B said...

so....what happened?you can't just leave me hanging like that!