Sunday, April 17, 2005

I want to thank everyone who did something yesterday... personal shout outs to Katie, Maliha, Tere, Carrie, Brett, Scott, Vick, Amy, Laura, Kevin, Andrew, Ozzy, Hayden, Samantha, and last but not least, Rebecca! Oh my gosh, that was the greatest birthday I've EVER had. It started out with Katie and maliha coming to my house friday morning...*intending on waking me up* and sang "shake shake shake seniora, shake it all the time" and they baked me a cough *muffin mess* it was supposed to be a muffin cake, but it didnt cook so it was all messy and batter~e. and then they drove me to school and hung out with me till the bell was awesome, and i cant forget my birthday halo and sparkler! THABK YOU! Then carrie calls me at noon and says..."so what are you doing tonight?" and i just told her that me and my dad were gonna go have dinner, so she invite me to invite my dad and stuff to go have some dinner, and what not, so i call my dad, and he tells me he has to work, so i call carrie to tell her that, and she just says that she'll pick me up around 6. So they come, and rebecca's the one standing at my door to pick me up, so i find it schetchy. so i get in the car, and am like...what are you doing to me?!!! and they're just like, we're going to dinner, and rebecca's staying with us so thats why she's here, so i say "okay cool" and they take me to Elizabeths pizza amd we get there and see miss tere drive by, so i KNOW something is going on. So we get there, and Ray, tere, vick, amy, scott, laura, kevin, ozzy, andrew, hayden , and samantha are all there for a surprise bithday party. omg, that's the best thing i've ever gotten in my life. so we eat some EXCELLENT itallian food, and i open my presents, and i get cool gift cards, and a "Kristy Kreme" tee shirt, cus thats my nick the doughnut! and so we finish eating, and the guys go to their softball game, and girls go to "Ganache" which i do say so myself, is the BEST dessert I've EVER had! and we just sat there and talked, while i was attacked by kids, it was great fun! but seriously, it was the greatest birthday of my life, if my dad and sister, and stuff could have been there. but even so, best day of my life, i've never felt more loved in my entire life. but i came home crying i was so happy because no one has ever done something like that for me before, and i havent had a party since i was 6, so it was REALLY special. but i just wanted to say thank you to everyone who loves me, because i'm so incredibly happy right now about everything thats happened since friday morning!


Susie B said...

sorry I couldn't be there, but I am so happy that they take care of you for me! I love you sweetie, and Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU KRISTY!! YOU ARE AMAZING! that sounds like it was so much fun! God, people that love you, and fun....what more could you ask for on a birthday!?

love you bunches!
