Monday, July 11, 2005

i promised you i'd never give up, if it makes you happy, it can't be that bad, if it makes you happy, then why are you so sad? ~Sheryl Crow

Good past few days, i missed being at cfc this week, but katie and i went to lexington to Mt. Olevit church, which is where one of the groups from ccc was from, so we got to see all those people, except, katie was allergic to something and we had to leave 10 mins into service, but it was still fun seeing all those people again.
I cant wait to go to nevada, its gonna be great fun, i leave july 27, and come back august 8. Its gonna be sooooo much fun, basically, I REALLY wanna show katie what reno is all about. I've been talking to my mom, and she's got some really cool stuff she said we could do, one day i know we're gonna go up to pyramid lake and go jet skiing, since katie's only been on one in her life. and show her the lake, like the pyramids in the middle, and the coves and stuff, since i haven't been there in SOOO long, its gonna be nice to get in the cold water. Then one day we're gonna go up to Twin Bridges, its a big waterfall up by Lake Tahoe, and climb the 5 miles to the top.... btw, i've made it so close to the top, but never to the top. but its so cool, cus it's all granite rock to the top. and then we're gonna go to Lake Tahoe, and show her how pretty it is, and how its cleaner than your bath water, its awesome, and then we're gonna go to Hot August Nights, which is a big festival that reno has every first week of august, where hot rodder's from all around the country come to display their cars, and no car there is from 1960 or past, and at night, they all drive right through downtown where they close the streets for them, and everyone is dressed in 50's stuff, the entire town goes crazy, its so awesome, me and katie are even making poodle skirts! then lets see, we're gonna just hang out at the lake, and around town, i'm hoping i'm gonna see a few of my friends, like nancy , megan, chelsey, josh, and kim, but who knows, well i'm out for the day, just thought i'd share what i'm REALLY excited about!

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