Tuesday, July 26, 2005

okay, one day left, then off to see my mom! yay, i'm gone for an entire month, hopefully i have lots of time to think and reflect on how i feel, because there are so many emotions i'm feeling right now that i cant even comprehend how to deal with them, a lot of what i'm feeling is narrowing down to two situations, church and work. Its hard to deal with those two right now, but work is becoming easier with each passing day. church is getting harder with each passing day. But by the end of the trip, i'll know. I'll know how i feel, and the actions i'm going to take, it might be a long transition of pain, but it's going to be in God's hands, thats the only thing that can be said, Susie has helped me a lot with this decision, and won't know the final result until it's final, but i'll try to keep ya'll updated. I wish i could say more about it, but i can't for personal reasons. you guys should understand. i say you guys as in brett and susie. haha. okay, well i'm going to go finish packing, and getting ready for nevada. love you guys!

1 comment:

Susie B said...

Know sweetie that I am praying for you! I love you silly goose! Remember "Everything works out in the end, if it hasn't worked out, its not the end! Again, love you!