Friday, September 18, 2009

in a movie?

So, I'm quite excited. I've been looking around for a new job since the beginning of september, I was starting to get quite desperate seeing as rent is due soon and well, I only get so many more paychecks from the waterpark. . . haha. But this afternoon, oddly, on a friday night none the less, I get a phone call from a restaruant owners wife, telling me how they would love to have me there. Now, being a server isn't really my thing, I was REALLY hoping for a better job than that, lifeguarding, being a secretary somewhere, anything but foodservice really. But beggars can't be choosers. Anyway, she said her husband loved my resume, yeah, I gave a resume to a restaruant, and gave it to her to read because it made them happy that I would put that much effort (desperation) into a simple application. But unknown to me, they had an add on Craigslist for a bartender, now I applied for server/bartender, just because I think it would be cool to be a bartender, but since I applied and am "Just" what theyre looking for, they're going to start training me on monday with their server shifts, and soon get me behind the bar. Reason I'm so happy, 1, its a job, it pays the rent, which really makes me happy, and 2, its not a snooty place, I can wear jeans and tennis shoes, and 3, its a non smoking place, which means I get to keep my lungs. Happy day.

on a down side, I dont feel very good at all, I think I may be coming down with the flu. I had a fever today along with basically all the symptoms. uggh. I hate being sick, I really want to stay in bed eating soup and drinking gatorade... BUT,  tonight was taco night with my sister. It was amazing. We made Tofu taco's (WAY better than they sound, just ask Chris, he couldn't tell the difference) and ate way too much. We also had Strawberry Cheesecake yumm! We played with the puppy and decorated the apartment to hopefully make it feel like home. Because even though we've lived here a few months, both of us just dont see this place as 'home', so we tried to fix it. I think the pictures up and a little rearranging did the trick. so life is good, minus the whole being sick thing!

Oh, and I'm guarding at a private party tomorrow. Yay for random pay checks. oh, and its a lake that people aren't even allowed to swim in, they are going to be kayacking and fishing. exciting right, I'm almost guarenteed not to go in tomorrow. Way different than a day at the waterpark where you expect to go in at least once an hour. haha.

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