Monday, September 14, 2009

Twitter is from God

Hey, don't judge me from the title, blame Brett. In church we started a series on Sunday starting in the book of Acts. Its going to be an alignment series, so all 13 campus's, all 10,000 members are going to be doing the same series for service and 'life groups' which sound like they all have aids, they used to be small groups, but I guess that just seems narrow minded because what if there are 24 people in a small group, doesnt seem so small anymore does it?... so now they're called Life Groups. But either way, everyone will be doing this series on Acts. It makes me super excited. At first, I was like, wow, another series on a book, this may turn out like the 2 year series, like the Luke series we did. . . Ha ha. But I wasn't really excited until I was going through the small group questions with the youth on Sunday night. . . They were really pressing and challenging the groups to know Gods mission for our life, Acts 1:8. Go to the ends of the earth and be a witness. It says it a little differently than that, but thats the simplified version for my simplified brain, mmk?. . . But I was talking to the youth and basically saying , now that you know what God's plan for your life is, are your friends going to be able to tell the difference?  . . . Because most of them before Sunday night, had never read that, sure they've heard it, but have never studied it, never focused that Gods mission for us is to go and tell everyone the Good news, that jesus has died and risen again, his mission for us is to go tell ALL the earth of His Amazing power. And in Service, Pastor Geoff talked about Resurection Power and how that is what proved Him as God. Sure, All the miracles Jesus did were cool, Bread and fish fed thousands, but Elijah fed himself and a widow for a year almost the same way, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, Paul raised a boy from the dead, Jesus turned water into wine, Moses parted the sea. All those miracles didn't PROVE Jesus was God, it proved he was a prophet, but it was His Resurection that proved Him God. So Geoff was talking about this "Resurection Power" and how by believing in Him, we too can have this 'Resurection Power' . . . So Seacoast is doing a Corporate Prayer. On Wednesdays at 1:08pm, they're asking the congregation and believers to pray to change lives, to pray about going to the ends of the earth and witnessing the Great news of Jesus. Thats where Twitter comes in. If you follow Twitter at all, send in prayer requests that you would like the church to be praying for with the hash tag #acts108 . That will filter it through to the right people to have that prayer prayed for.

Anyways though, back to youth, I'm just super excited to have expectations of lives changing knowing that my kids know what Gods plan is for them. They know it, they understand it. . . All we need now is prayer, strength, wisdom, curage, hope, faithfulness and so many more things to be able to fulfill it. I just wish at their age I would have known what God's plan for my life was. I always thought it was to just be super Christian and hide all the bad things in my life. . . if only.

Oh and a sidenote. . . *I miss Chris. A lot. But I'm not letting that get me down, not now. I've got so many amazing things going on right now. I really wish I could see him, hug him and physically know that he's doing well. . . Even though he tells me he is, there's still that line of uneasiness for me. . .

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